Jae Lukey

I wanted to be a part of creating a well-being program such as MAP and focusing on its three main principles because it ties in with my values. I believe they are critical factors to my happiness and health. I want to share and pass on the tools to others to facilitate their personal growth.

My purpose in life is to shine positivity into the life of the people I interact with throughout the day. Everybody is on their journey, and you never know what big/small impact you could have in someone’s day, so make it a good one!

These five cores values that I hold onto are: 

  • Kindness. I try to be kind in all interactions as you never know what small or significant impact you can have on someone’s day. Being kind may improve the other person’s well-being as I know it impacts my happiness and well-being.
  • Awareness/perspective
    Paying attention to each situation, others, the world around me, and my emotions have been crucial in my personal growth. It has helped me see all perspectives and make clear choices rather than be reactive in my responses. 
  • Optimism. I like to think I see the best in people and any given situation. But, of course, we can’t always control or predict an outcome. Still, we can see the good in those situations or the lessons provided to us to help us become the best versions of ourselves. 
  • Gratitude. Practicing gratitude has been a significant contributing factor in my personal growth and well-being. It is something so simple but can have a big positive impact on your day-to-day life, as you naturally start to be thankful for not only the significant opportunities but thankful for the small things in your day. 
  • Health. All my values lead me to be healthy-minded, physically healthy, and emotionally healthy. Becoming healthier in all aspects of my life has resulted in my happiness.