Train with intensity and focus especially when working out at home or with minimal equipment. As we don’t have much external load to work with like we do in a gym setting where there’s bars and dumbbells, most of the benefit (both physically and mentally) will come from pushing yourself as hard as you can during the workout!


Complete 1 Round of the following circuit:
1. Camel Cat stretch x 20

2. Shoulder Rotations x 20 (use a towel or broomstick)

3. Hamstring to Hip Flexor Stretch x 10 in each position, on each side

4. Lying Hip Rock x 20

5. Glute Bridge x 20

6. Jogging on the spot OR up and back over a short distance (if possible) x 60s


Complete 4-5 Rounds of the following circuit:
1. Push Up x 10 (can be done on knees if needed)

2. Weighted OR Bodyweight Alternating Lunge x 10 each side

3. Weighted OR Bodyweight Jackknife x 15

4. Goblet OR Bodyweight Squat x 15

5. Burpee x 10

6. Plank x 60s (can be done on knees if needed)

*Complete the series with little-no rest between exercises
**Once all exercises are complete, rest 1-2mins before starting the next round!