We know there’s far too much suffering in the workplace and we’re determined to prevent it. That’s the team & I have poured a huge amount of time, energy, and expertise into creating the MAP program. The MAP program, is designed to boost resilience and enhance mental wellbeing. It’s pro-active, practical and precisely adapted to meet the real needs of our people and even for myself.
To me, I want our people to discover all about mindfulness and develop skills to help them better manage difficult thoughts, uncomfortable emotions and times of high stress. The program promotes healthy coping strategies, encourages help-seeking behaviour and allows learners to create a personal plan of action for all those tough days on the job.

I firmly believe we should live by some of my favorite values:

  • Be The Next: We strive to set the highest standard of quality in everything we do. We always want to drive towards “the NEXT” great thing! By constantly challenging ourselves to improve and break new ground.
  • Remember the Feeling: Our world can be frustrating, confusing and even scary. We have all been there, so we show empathy and act with humility. We are all human, and therefore, we respect our customers, partners, and co-workers.
  • Action Is Our First Instinct: Our passion for our core purpose gives us courage to reach beyond our comfort zone to try innovative and unconventional ideas. We view honest failure as a learning opportunity for the future.
  • Do The Right Thing: Integrity is the foundation for everything we do. We are admired and respected for our commitment to honesty, trust, and transparency. We do the right thing — even when no one is watching.
  • Stronger United: The positive spirit with which we support each other fosters open, honest, and meaningful relationships. We celebrate and embrace our diversity. We invest in each other because we win or lose as a team.